
Look at this group of bad asses all decked out. Lt. William (Tinker) Bell, Capt. William Allen, Sp4 Ed White.
Getting ready to go work out in the A.O..


Capt. Bill Allen (Right) and I (Left,Mike Duffy) are checking aircraft to make sure they were Mission Ready for the next day.

 Capt. Bill Allen and I got along very well.
He use to ask if their was anything I could do with the foot pedals on the 6's because he had a hard time reaching them,
so I said I'd make up a set of training blocks he could use on all the aircraft, and so I did, and I use to tease him about it all the time.
 But he was one hell of a brave man.

 The last I heard just before I left country was he was flying Slicks and got hit with a SAM missle and crashed and was severly burned.
Great guy!

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