
The Three Amegos! Ya know we had some of the best pilots in Nam, and I'm proud to have served with these guys!
William (Tinker) Bell (outside), Michael (Capt. America) Deady (Pilot),  & ___?___ (Copilot).


The best Scout we ever had in our Platoon was Rudy Laws (Right). This guy could get into the thick of things and nothing would happen. Always came out smelling like a rose. Teflon Rudy!
 My first training runs along the coast and in the gulf of Tonkin was with Rudy.
 Rudy, Remember how wet the it was in the Gulf and the Sharks. LOL.
 Thanks for all the help Rudy, it helped me get through it.

The other guy in the photo is Ben __?___ . At this time I cant remember his last name, we used to call him Bugger Ben.
 When this photo was taken Ben was recovering from a crash.
 He cracked a couple ribs and got a couple teeth knocked out when they crashed and his chicken plate hit him and caused all the damage.
But as you can see Ben is getting a little pain relief from a can of beer.

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