
 Captain Jerry? Jones

Crudaser 36, Frank Sundquist remembers:

Browsing through the other areas I looked under Light Horse pictures.
The one you have marked as an unknown Cpt with a cav hat caught my eye. That's "Jerry" Jones, my roomy!
I don't think his first name was Jerry, but maybe George, I'm not really sure.  He was from Pampa, Tx.
When I was driving truck, I went through Pampa @ 4 in the AM, didn't find anything in the local phone book though.
 He came over to us from "Dutchmasters" and was our Awards & Decorations man.
He also rode as my bullet catcher a couple times and I think he got an Air Medal/V for his efforts.
 Maybe we can make this a search effort.
He left country in May or June 71, cause he was leaving country when I was going up to 7th AF.
 All I can really remember is we had a Mateus wine drunk the night before we left.
 The next morning I vaguely remember counting over 12 empty bottles.
 We rode out of Vin Long in an old Carabue? at the prop line.
 I literally crawled off the plane on my hands and knees only to meet my new boss.
 I knew at first glance he was AF cause he had really bright shoes.

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