
Picture of me after spending a while in the hospital, thought I was going to lose my leg.
 Had what they called elephant leg after it got infected from a crash I was in in Laos, got shot down and I had my leg sticking out the door, go figure.
 I also thought I was going home because while I was in the Hospital they sent all my stuff back with 3/5 Mech. Cav to Fort Lewis Washington.
The Air Cav was sent to Phu Bi. Oh well, can't win them all.
I had another 5 months left.

Picture of me working on aircraft in my cast after I crashed and broke my leg. I spent @ a month in the hospital and thought I was going home.


LT. Bill Halvey at Quang Tri getting out orders for the day.
And look at the Swagger he has.
 He was our Maintenance Officer also.
 Good guy and very honest, and knew how to put the peddle to the metal.


Jim Sprag, another Grunt that came into the Scouts for a clean bed and found out the reason it stayed clean was, ya never slepted in it all that often.
After Jim left the Scouts he used to drive the OldMan around in the Jeep, but he was always a Scout at heart.
 And he used to like to eat Frogs Raw, thats why we used to call him FROGGY.

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