
Pig Pen had gotten a fresh, nearly black, paint job in mid-1970.
The crewchief hadn't quite gotten around to re-painting all the appropriate numbers.
I flew incognito nearly for two months.
Real late one night the Scout Platoon leader, (the unpopular one who shall remain nameless) ordered the fairly drunk crewchief out of his bunk and to,
"Get down to the flight line and put some numbers on Pig Pen! Right now"!!
So the crewchief did what he was told.
On the first attempt he applied the number "67" which wasn't supposed to be included.
That explains the Zinc Chromate "Strike over".
As you can see by the mud on the "Dog House" and "Green House" this picture was taken sometime later.
Living up to its name, Pig Pen's numbers remained this way until it was DEROSed in December

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