War Wagon 12 Larry Little Reports
With regard to SP5 Edward Debow, he was flying as observer/
gunner with scout pilot Ed Serrano the day he was killed. I was Ed's trail
that day. As I best recall; we were working a considerable distance west
ofDong Tam in the Plain of Reeds area. The area that we were scouting was
a very expansive open area area (very few trees) which was laced with small
tributaries and small canals with a heavily vegetated ground cover about
8 feet deep. We were scouting down on the deck trying to use our rotor
wash to part the vegetation when Ed reported seeing a wisp of campfIre
smoke off in the distance rising up from out of the ground cover. He had
just scooted over to this area when he came under fIre and Ed Debow was
shot in the head. Serrano broke off target and a short time later had an
engine failure whereupon I picked him up. The C&C ship retrieved Ed
Debow's body a short time later .
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