I was with C troop from August 1967 til Nov.1967.
I was then sent to D troop in
November 1967 to August 1968.
 I was a mechanic(hellicopter),but I also had a tank crewmen's MOS.
In other words, I think somebody screwed up from the start. I was trained as an engine specialist.
I was mostly with the Scavengers, I think I was the only 68b20 that D troop ever had.
I couldnt bitch.
 It beat the hell out of beating the bush and gitting shot at, besides I got a bath more often with you guys.
Hell, in C troop I went about forty days, all my clothes rotted off. It sucked!

I don't remember to much about C Troop other than running roads at night, and on patrol once walking into a VC base camp uninvited. Boy were they pissed! Guy nicknamed Junior was shoot right in the cheek of his ass.

In the Photos, I am the one with the tattoo on the left shoulder.

I can't remember the names of the other guys.
Maybe someone will see them and can add the names.


P.S.I left vietnam as a SP/5
I left the national guard as SFC
I have worked for Boeing for thirtyfive years.
I am going to try real hard to make the 2007 reunion.
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