A Veteran's Day Story
By "Bobbie", The AFVN Weather Girl.
    Morning dew sprinkled a rainbow of colors across the Wall as the sun's first ray glistened upon the black granite panels. Crisp, cool air whispered through the trees. Squirrels pranced upon a blanket of leaves. On such a Fall morning, I noticed a lean, blue-jeaned figure hunched on a park bench. I met Matt. He had kept vigil through out the night; lighting candle after candle in memory of his Navy buddy. When his last candle finally lost its flame, he stood, saluted and quietly retreated.

     Later that morning, as I sat in the warmth of the information kiosk, I searched for what Matt had dropped into my carry-all bag --- only to find a crumpled up piece of paper.

    It read:
    "In the shadow of your footsteps I walk with you tonight with memories kindled bright by the flame of candle light."

    Dennis (a park ranger who had also served in Vietnam) and I simultaneously took a deep breath and sighed to keep any tears from forming as we discussed how what we had just read may explain Matt's pilgrimage to the Wall; that perhaps he wanted us to understand his thoughts through the poem he had written.

    Fall after Fall, Matt would return to continue the candle-light vigil he began in 1983. That early Fall morning is but one of a mosaic of heartwarming images developed through time as a volunteer at the Wall.

    Today, I still have that crumpled up piece of paper. Framed, it captures many of the emotions shared at the Wall.

By Bobbie Keith
"Bobbie the Weather Girl"

Click here to see one of our scarves that Bobbie autographed.

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