1. When they walked by vegetation; it wilted.
2. Used wheelbarrows to carry their family jewels.
3. Out drank, out flew and out fought everybody and wore
yellow scarves that smelled like sweat, booze and puke.
4. Had hootch rooms that looked like ammo dumps.
5. Were always armed.
6. Showered and shaved infrequently, yet flies wouldn’t land
on them for fear of their lives.
7. When on the flight line, only urinated in the Long Knive’s
8. Were not bitten by mosquitoes or other insects, the bugs
feared alcohol poisoning.
9. Broke wind that sounded like incoming 122 s and watered
the eyes of those nearby except their gunner’s.
10. Stole Crusader newguy’s C rations. They never planned
far enough ahead to include their next meal.
11. Strapped on Loaches and went out hunting for "Chuck"
everyday cuz they just didn’t know any better.
12. Were the Troop Commander’s pets and could do no wrong.
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