Re-activation Ceremony
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The Brigade commander looks on as the Lighthorse Squadron CO and Sgt Major un-case the Squadron flag.

The "new" Squadron flag joins the National Flag.

The Squadron Sgt Major gathers the flag and it is presented to the Brigade Commander.

The Brigade CO passes the Squadron flag to the "new" Squadron Commanding Officer.

Welcome to the Cavalry!

Specialist Dominguez was the C Troop guidon bearer and looks proud to be in the Cavalry.

Crazyhorse is assembled as C Troop gathered for a group photo next to one of their Apaches.

C Troop 3rd Squadron, 17th Cavalry Regiment
(A skull? Hell yes!)

As the Troop was forming for the next group photo, I took a moment to explain to the new Troopers why we wear the Tan colored Stetsons.
I think they found my explanation quite entertaining!

George and I were invited to join a group photo.

Webmaster Don Callison, CW-2 Williams and War Wagon pilot George Bloodworth.
Mr Williams was actually on leave but he took the time to come in and escort George and I.
We were treated very well and hope to attend other Troop/Squadron functions in the future.
We have invited members of  C Troop to attend our 21 Annual Reunion in Daytona next April.

Back in the Squadron Conference room.
Remember that C Troop left this regiment in January 1971.

The American Flag and the Lighthorse Squadron Flag.

The Squadron Insignia.

A 1990s era insignia for the Regiment.

Squadron Staff

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