From the Cook's

Left to Right
Joe Zavis, Bullfrog, Pappy, Bill King right above Pappy's head. Butch with the "Cup", Johnny Helms, Jim Burch, Rich Bench towards the front, Smokey Davis in back, Callison

Bob Harshberger, Smokey Davis, Butch

Back row, left to right
Gallagher, Murphy,Waite, Bullfrog, Garrow?,Weese,Harshberger & King in the very back.Rasbury, Grove,
Spletestoser,Bench, Bell,Dyer,Cogburn
Front Row
Schmitz,Cook,Zavis,Pendley,West, Callison, Frady

Dough Boy Jim Blankenship, Ralph Cogburn on the left.

Dough Boys and LH Ops
Ralph "Rooster" Cogburn, Jim Blankenship, Bob Hill

Butch and Bullfrog

Bullfrog, Tom Suprock, Butch

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